
Mark My Words


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What are skill levels?

Each skill can have multiple skill levels, representing a spectrum — or taxonomy — from there being insufficient evidence that the student understands the skill, to them demonstrating complete control over the skill.

By adding more skill levels, teachers can ensure a more detailed evaluation of a student’s abilities, pinpointing exactly where they excel or where they may need additional guidance.

Each skill level is represented by a 'Skill Level Box' located on the left-hand side of each skill level. The content written in this box is what appears as the multiple-choice ‘options’ on the assessment form when marking a student's work.

If you are working with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question, the two skill levels are hard-coded. For multiple-choice skills, each skill level box can be fully customised.

Creating a skill level involves:

Skill Level 1

Step 1: Select a skill group

When creating a new assessment, select the skill group to which you would like to add an individual skill. You may edit a skill already listed (one blank skill will already exist for any new skill group), or click ‘Add Skill’ to add a new skill box.

Step 2: Populate skill description and set skill type

Step 2: Populate skill description and set skill type

Step 2: Populate skill description and set skill type Type your skill in question format in the free text box that appears. Select whether your skill is a ‘multiple-choice’ skill, or a’ yes/no’ skill.

Step 3: Expand skill details

Step 3: Expand skill details

Click the arrow on the right hand side to expand the skill box.

Step 4: Add medals, missions and a score for ‘yes/no’ skills

Step 4: Add medals, missions and a score for ‘yes/no’ skills

For a ‘yes/no’ skill, the skill Levels will be set. You can now add your medals and missions, and populate the score.

Step 5: Add and edit levels for ‘multiple choice’ skills

Step 5: Add and edit levels for ‘multiple choice’ skills

For a ‘multiple choice’ skill, you can add new levels by clicking ‘Add Level’, and remove them by clicking on the trash bin icon. You can amend the text in each skill level box to your liking. Once the levels are established, you can add your medals and missions, and populate the scores.