
Mark My Words


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How to mark pasted text instead of a PDF

Currently, the only accepted document type for direct upload is PDF. If you wish to mark an assessment which is not in PDF format, you can instead copy the text directly from the original document and paste it into the assessment platform.

Step 1: Click on ‘Upload assessment’

From the student’s assessment form, upload the student’s assessment by clicking the yellow ‘Upload assessment’ button.

Step 2: Navigate to the ‘Paste’ tab

In the pop-up window that appears, navigate to the ‘Paste’ tab by clicking this option along the top of the pop-up.

Step 3: Copy the text you wish to assess

Copy the text out of student’s assessment. In this example, text has been copied out of a word document by highlighting the text, right clicking on your mouse and clicking ‘Copy’.

Step 4: Paste text

Back on the Mark My Words site, paste your copied text into the large free text box. You can do this by first clicking inside the text box to set the cursor, then right clicking on your mouse and selecting ‘Paste’.

Step 5: Make any formatting changes

Once your text has been pasted into the appropriate area, you can use the formatting bar at the bottom of the pop-up to make any formatting adjustments (e.g. Bold, dot points etc.).

Step 6: Submit text

When the text is ready for marking, click the blue 'Submit' button underneath the textbox. The pop-up will close, and the text submitted will appear on the assessment form.

Step 7: Delete the uploaded assessment (optional)

If you wish to delete the file or text you have uploaded, you can do so by clicking the ‘Delete Assessment’ button on the bottom right hand corner of the uploaded assessment. This will generate a pop-up asking you to confirm you wish to delete. To confirm deletion, click ‘Delete’.