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Professor Mark

10 signs to help you spot dysgraphic students


Dysgraphia is a learning disorder that affects a student's ability to produce written language, causing difficulties with handwriting, spelling, and written expression. Although often overlooked, poor handwriting can be a significant indicator that a student is struggling with dysgraphia and is being hindered from fully expressing their thoughts and knowledge in written form.

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James Smith

The importance of tracking student progress across time

The Intuition Trap: Failing student writers


In this article, we'll explore the pitfalls of relying on intuition in writing assessment and discover how a data-driven approach, powered by AI, can help us break free from the cycle of student writing challenges.

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James Smith

The importance of tracking student progress across time

Why you should track student progress across time


The value of knowing how each student is progressing, on a granular level, is immense. It allows you to to make the right data-backed decision for each student, and tailor the program to each student. You can see - or at least get an indication about - the extent to which their enrollment in your subject is impacting their learning.

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James Smith

Professor Mark

AI-powered essay comment banks are the future


The AI-enhanced essay comment bank is a game-changer for those looking to provide written feedback to students. Evolving from its rudimentary beginnings as an Excel spreadsheet, Mark My Words blends artificial intelligence with the documented knowledge of the teacher, making the feedback process quicker, more consistent, and extremely personalised.

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James Smith

A teacher is being hassled by students for their marks.

The importance of timely feedback


If you have noticed a correlation between how receptive your students are to feedback, and the timing of when that feedback was received, you’re not alone. The research is emphatic in stating that feedback is most impactful when the students’ recollection of their task is still vivid, and they are able to integrate the feedback into their ongoing learning process immediately.

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James Smith

Parents struggling to help their son with homework

How parents can become English writing tutors


As English teachers, parents are constantly asking us how they can help develop their child’s writing skills at home. They ask for resources, documentation, and tips on what they should be doing to support. These requests come when a student is lagging behind, missing significant school time, or simply aspiring to achieve more – and, so they should. 

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James Smith

An English teacher no longer suffering from burnout

How can AI reduce teacher burnout?


The profession of teaching is one of the most stress-inducing jobs on the planet. 70% of teachers report having ‘unmanageable workloads’ and over 75% of school leaders report having staff shortages in their schools. If you’re a teacher reading this, I’m sure this will come as no surprise.

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James Smith

A teacher writing a rubric.

Should we be using AI as a rubric generator?


There is no doubt that AI has the power to alleviate a lot of the administrative pain associated with teaching. Our access to AI tools has grown exponentially over the last year, and more and more we are seeing AI being applied to various use cases within the teaching workflow. I personally have tested AI across the bulk of my day-to-day tasks as an English and Humanities teacher, including using AI rubric generators to help me build rubrics for my students. However, the more I come to understand the power of AI, I find myself asking an important question: where is the best place to inject my IP?

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James Smith

A cartoon image of a professor marking essay drafts.

How AI can turbo-charge the drafting process


Whenever I meet with schools and teachers, they are often thrilled by the prospect of how Mark My Words might transform the drafting process.

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James Smith

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