
Mark My Words


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What are skill groups?

A skill group is a broad category under which individual skills are classified in an assessment. It serves as an umbrella term that encapsulates a set of related skills. For instance, in an English essay assessment, "Grammar" could be a skill group, under which individual skills like "Use of Punctuation", "Sentence Structure", and "Spelling" could be placed.

Skill groups play a significant role in organising the assessment and making it easier to track and understand. They also help in providing a structured and comprehensive overview of the student's abilities in different areas.

Creating a skill group involves:

Step 1: Navigate to assessments

Step 1: Navigate to assessments

Navigate to the assessments page, and click on the 'Create New Assessment' button. Enter the name of your new assessment.

Step 2: Add skill groups to your assessment

Start adding skill groups by clicking on 'Add New Skill Group'. Edit the names by clicking on the pen icon, and selecting the tick when complete. To remove a skill group, click on the trash can icon.

Step 3: Add individual skills

Once you have your skill groups, you can start adding individual skills to each group.