
Mark My Words


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How do you attach an assessment to a class?

The process of creating an assessment essentially provides you with a template assessment form that you can use to mark the work of one, or more, classes. 

Once your class is set up, and you have created an assessment, you will need to attach the assessment to your desired class. This is the final step before you can start marking. 

Step 1: Navigate to ‘Classes’.

Navigate to the 'Classes' section on the platform.

Step 2: Open the assessments of your chosen class.

Find the class to which you wish to attach an assessment, and click the ‘Assessments’ button on the right hand side.

Step 3: Ensure the ‘Assessments’ tab is selected.

Within the class page, you will see two tab options: ‘Assessments’ and ‘Students’. Make sure the ‘Assessments’ tab is selected.

Step 4: Attach an assessment

Click on the yellow 'Attach Assessment' button.

Step 5: Select assessment

A pop-up window will appear, displaying a list of all available assessments. Select one or more assessment(s) by clicking on the plus icon next to each one.

Step 6: Submit selection

Once you are satisfied with your choices, click the 'Submit' button. This will attach the selected assessments to your class. You can add one assessment to multiple classes if needed.